Our Team

Meet the CEMBUREAU team!

Chief Executive
Koen Coppenholle
Chief Executive Info
Koen Coppenholle
Chief Executive

A passion for European law and international politics has driven my career, starting with a strong focus on EU institutional law as a research and teaching assistant at the “Katholieke Universiteit Leuven”.  My year abroad for a Master of Laws at Harvard Law School allowed me to study US federalism as a possible blueprint for the further development of the European Union. The three year stint at the European Court of Justice in the cabinet of Judge P.J.G. Kapteyn allowed me to deal with a wide array of cases in all areas of EU law, a perfect preparation for my career as an attorney with Linklaters De Bandt where the focus was also on EU competition law and state aid.  As from 2000, I entered the area of government relations where I gained experience on “EU law in the making”, first with General Electric and then for ArcelorMittal. As an energy-intensive industry, the steel industry’s challenges and opportunities are similar to those of the cement industry. So, CEMBUREAU was an obvious next step which allowed me to add management skills to my legal and policy expertise.

Cathy Roeland
Personal Assistant & HR Manager Info
Cathy Roeland
Personal Assistant & HR Manager


Industrial Policy Department
Rob van der Meer
Industrial Policy Director Info
Rob van der Meer
Industrial Policy Director


Marie-Hélène Troger
Personal Assistant to Industrial Policy Director Info
Marie-Hélène Troger
Personal Assistant to Industrial Policy Director


Vagner Maringolo
Sustainable Construction Manager Info
Vagner Maringolo
Sustainable Construction Manager

I had a first glimpse of what my career would finally be like very early as an intern Geology student in the Brazilian Cement Association (“ABCP”) when I was only 19. I hold a Bachelor, MSc and PhD degrees from the Institute of Geosciences of the University of São Paulo, and a Bachelor degree in Italian from the Faculty of Philosophy, Human Sciences and Letters of the same university. Years after the internship I returned to ABCP as a Geologist and worked there until the career jump opportunity showed up to join CEMBUREAU team: a move towards new goals and broader horizons!


A Brazilian national with Italian roots, now a Belgian citizen as well, Vagner enjoys Brussels’ international environment.

Nikos Nikolakakos
Environment & Resources Manager Info
Nikos Nikolakakos
Environment & Resources Manager

I have started working in 2002, as a chemical engineer in Halyps Cement - former Italcementi Group, now the Heidelberg Group in Athens.

During my 10+ years carrier in the cement industry, working at a cement plant, I have been in charge of the quality assurance, production control and environmental management departments.

I joined the CEMBUREAU team in October 2017, where I can use my expertise gathered working for the cement sector at European level.

In my spare time, I enjoy doing sports and I also have a passion for fine arts.

Miette Dechelle
Health & Safety Manager Info
Miette Dechelle
Health & Safety Manager


Communications & Public Affairs Department
Jean-Baptiste Gomes
Senior Public Affairs Manager Info
Jean-Baptiste Gomes
Senior Public Affairs Manager

I joined CEMBUREAU in March 2008 and provide our members and the Secretariat monitoring and research services.

I previously worked two years at the Secretariat General of the European Commission as an Editor. I hold a Master of European Law from the Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches Internationales et Communautaires of the Aix Marseille III University, a Master of European Law from the Institute of European Studies of the Catholic University of Louvain and a Bachelor in Public Law from the Institut d’Etudes Politiques d’Aix-en-Provence.

In addition to English, I speak French and Portuguese and I have a good command of Dutch, having lived in Leuven for almost ten years.

When I am not working, I like to go out running. Hiking is also regularly on the agenda and on the weekends. I take great pleasure in organizing and cooking diners for friends & family. In the time which is left, you will find me reading a (crime) novel.

Patricia Moreaux (50%).
Graphic Design Manager Info
Patricia Moreaux (50%).
Graphic Design Manager


Anam Iqbal
Monitoring & Research Analyst Info
Anam Iqbal
Monitoring & Research Analyst


Economic Studies and Statistics
Patricia Moreaux (50%)
Graphic Design Manager Info
Patricia Moreaux (50%)
Graphic Design Manager


Koen Van De Put
Economic Studies and Statistics Manager Info
Koen Van De Put
Economic Studies and Statistics Manager


Noureddine Chafki
Logistics, Real Estate & Finance Manager Info
Noureddine Chafki
Logistics, Real Estate & Finance Manager


Latifa Ben Yamoun
IT Assistant Info
Latifa Ben Yamoun
IT Assistant