How quarries provide a home to European endangered species - Webinar


Wednesday, November 13

14:00 – 15:30 (CET)

Register here

According to the IUCN, more than one in ten European species are at risk of extinction, while many more face unfavourable conservation status. As highlighted in the CEMBUREAU’s Biodiversity Roadmap, limestone quarries offer unique opportunities for industry, researchers and communities to protect these species.

Join our webinar, where representatives from the European Commission, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), academia and the cement industry discuss how quarries can contribute to improving the conservation status of Europe’s protected species.


14:00 – 14:05 Introduction by the moderator Dr. Carolyn Jewell, Senior Manager Biodiversity and Natural Resources at CRH

14:05 – 14:15 Presentation on progress of CEMBUREAU’s Biodiversity Roadmap by Ms. Alexandra Silva, Biodiversity Project Manager at SECIL and Chair of the Biodiversity Task Force at CEMBUREAU

14:15 – 14:30 “Species protection and extractive activities in the context of EU nature legislation” by Mr. Przemyslaw Oginski, Policy Officer, European Commission DG-ENV, Unit D.3 Nature Conservation

14:30 – 14:45 “Informing conservation action decision and setting robust baselines with IUCN tools and data” by Ms. Florence Curet, Senior Programme Manager, Business and Nature, International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)

14:45 – 15:15 Case Studies from the Cement Industry

  • " Post-quarrying restoration as an opportunity for protected plant species: the Secil-Outão case study” by Alice Nunes, University of Lisbon, Portugal
  • “Return of Water Buffalo to the Werra Floodplain” by Holger Miethe, Cemex Land Management team and Suzanne Kraatz, NABU, Germany

15:15 – 15:20 Closing remarks by Mr Nikos Nikolakakos, CEMBUREAU, Environment & Resources Manager