Non-Energy Extractive Industries Panel

For issues relating to quarrying, CEMBUREAU works together with other relevant organisations under the auspices of the NEEIP (Non-Energy Extractive Industry Panel). A variety of EU policy areas are dealt with by the NEEIP, including resource efficiency, access to raw materials and biodiversity.  One of the key messages of the NEEIP is the need to guarantee access to raw materials in the EU. 

NEEIP Members:

  • CEMBUREAU, the European Cement Association
  • Cerame-Uni, the European Ceramic Industry Association
  • EUROGYPSUM, the voice of the European Gypsum Industry
  • Euromines, European Association of Mining Industries, Metal Ores & Industrial Minerals
  • European Potash Producers Association
  • EUROROC, European & International Federation of Natural Stone Industries
  • EUSalt, European Salt Producers' Association
  • EXCA, the European Expanded Clay Association
  • IMA-Europe, European Industrial Minerals Association
  • UEPG European Aggregates Association